65-1692 Kohala Mountain Road, Kamuela, HI 96743 สหรัฐอเมริกา
Hawaii Preparatory Academy หรือเรียกว่า HPAเป็นโรงเรียนเอกชน โรงเรียน boardingใน Kamuela, Hawaiʻi สอนระดับอนุบาล จนถึง grade 12 ก่อตั้งขึ้นโดย The Right Reverend Harry S. Kenned เมื่อปี 1949 มีทั้งหมด 2 Campuses.
The Upper Campus ตั้งอยู่บนเทือกเขา Kohala มีสิ่งอำนวยความสะดวกมากมาย อย่างเช่น ห้องยกน้ำหนัก ห้องมวยปล้ำ สระว่ายน้ำ สนามเทนนิสในร่ม gym ร้านหนัสือ และสนามฟุตบอล The Village Campus อยู่ใจกลางเมือง Waimea
The English Department aims to help students develop reading and writing skills, and to foster a love of reading and the discussions that follow. Through the engaging complexities of literature, students continually grapple with ideas that recall us to our common humanity.
Our standard course sequence is: English 9; English 10; English 11; and English 12. By invitation based on teacher recommendation and ACT scores, qualified students may opt for our challenging honors program. Students who demonstrate proficiency are encouraged to take an exam in Advanced Placement English in the junior and senior year.
While we appreciate the role of technology in teaching and learning, we promote intentional uses of technology only when it improves student learning.
The mastery of English skills happens both in class and in moments of one-on-one work; thus, teachers work closely with students inside and outside of class hours. We believe that the foundation of responsible global citizenship resides in an individual’s ability to read analytically and communicate effectively in writing and speech.
Upper School
Middle Schhool
Lower School
Signature Programs
College Counseling
Summer Programs
Available Courses
- English 9: The Individual
- English 9 Honors: The Individual
- English 10 International: Individual and Community
- English 10: The Individual and Community
- English 10: Individual and Community Honors
- English 11: The Individual and Society
- English 11 Honors: AP Language and Composition
- Digital Journalism
- English 12 Capstone: Food Literature
- English 12: The Global Individual
- English 12 Honors