Bachelor Health Science (Acupuncture)

Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese Medicine that stimulates specific points on the body in order to regulate the flow of Qi (vital energy) to balance the functions of the body, mind and spirit and to restore health. Chinese Medicine combines theory (philosophy and principles) and practices such as acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Chinese dietary therapy, Qi Gong, and massage (Tui Na).

Study Mode Face-to-face on campus with selected subjects available online

Students gain significant clinical experience at Endeavour’s Teaching Clinics under the supervision of qualified practitioners. In the clinics, students have the opportunity to develop and hone all skills required to run a successful clinic after graduation, including patient assessment and management, patient recruitment and continuity of care, customer service, and dispensary management.

The following requirements must be organised prior to commencing clinical practicum prior to students undertaking any clinic. Current certification needs to be valid for duration of clinic session in the following areas:

First Aid Certificate

Relevant State Working with Children Check

Police checks.

Career Opportunities

Acupuncturists may practice independently as a sole trader, or provide treatment in a multidisciplinary setting.

Acupuncturists often work alongside other allied health practitioners such as medical doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and naturopaths.

Practitioners may choose to focus on particular areas of interest such as women’s medicine, sports medicine, men’s medicine, chronic disease or other areas.

Graduates may be eligible for Endeavour’s Honours Program. Graduates are also eligible for master degree programs in a variety of related areas.

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