Myotherapy is a branch of manual therapy that helps clients to manage and relieve pain, and decrease movement restriction. Myotherapy involves extensive physical evaluation and an integrated approach to treating affected muscles, joints, connective tissue and nerves. It uses standard methods of assessment such as neurological and functional testing to determine the particular cause of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. Myotherapists work with holistic, long-term goals in mind and provide rehabilitation plans for clients to help prevent reoccurrence.
Study Mode Face-to-face on campus with selected subjects available online.
Career Opportunities
Myotherapists may practice independently in their own clinic, or provide treatment in conjunction with other healthcare professionals in a multidisciplinary setting. Myotherapists often work alongside other allied health practitioners such as physiotherapists, osteopaths and naturopaths.
Practitioners may choose to focus on particular areas of interest with specialised groups, such as pre or postnatal care, dancers, gymnasts, athletes and sporting teams or areas such as palliative and aged-care. Myotherapists may travel with sports teams or work with clients in their own settings such as the football field, gym or theatre, to treat them immediately as problems occur.
Graduates of the Myotherapy degree are recognised by the Health Professionals and Support Services Award (2010). This provides any potential employer such as a hospital, nursing home or rehabilitation facility with official guidelines regarding salaries and conditions of employment.
Graduates may be eligible to apply for a variety of post-graduate programs in areas such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, chronic health, pain management and other health related areas.