Cranfield University
Cranfield is an exclusively postgraduate university, so it’s the ideal place to study a master’s degree in the UK. Students benefit from industry-standard facilities, and enjoy a peaceful environment at the University’s Cranfield and Shrivenham sites.
Welcome to Cranfield University
Cranfield University is the UK’s only exclusively postgraduate university in Technology and Management. Its advanced technology and state-of-the-art facilities will help you on the path to career success.
Your path to Cranfield
Undergraduate: Foundation Certificate
If you’ve finished high school but don’t meet the entry requirements for university, a Foundation Certificate can help you gain entry to an undergraduate degree.
For progression to the 1st year of a bachelor’s degree at the University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, City, University of London, the University of Westminster or the University of York. Choose a subject to see more information.
- Art and Design (progressing to the University of Westminster only)
- Business, Law and Social Sciences
- Science and Engineering
Undergraduate: International Year One
If you’ve completed high school with good grades but don’t qualify for entry to an undergraduate degree, you could study an International Year One, which combines university preparation with degree 1st year.
For progression to the 2nd year of a bachelor’s degree at Aston University or the University of Westminster. Choose a subject to see more information.
- Business
- Engineering (progressing to Aston University only)
Postgraduate: Pre-Master’s
If you hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, but don’t meet the entry requirements for a master’s, a Pre-Master’s can help you gain a place on a postgraduate degree.
For progression to a master’s degree at Aston University, City, University of London, Cranfield University, the University of Westminster or the University of York. Choose a subject to see more information.
- Business, Law and Social Sciences
- Science and Engineering (progression available to all universities above except Aston University)
Top reasons to study here
- UK top 10 for commercial research, consultancy and professional development – Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) 2016–17
- UK #1 for staff-to-student ratio (1:7) – Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) 2016–17
- Links with more than 1,500 businesses around the world including leading global organisations like Pfizer, Shell and Unicef